Sunday, 30 April 2023

Quick Survey + Grad Gown Sizing - ACTION REQUIRED !!!

Morning all,


Only three of you have filled out the survey chart with your information for our pending graduation celebrations – Commencement, Prom and dry Grad. I do require this information by the end of this week – thank you.


Mr. K




Evening all,


The link below is to a quick survey. The information you will provide will be used to complete finer details for your Graduation Commencement program, newspaper announcement and prom preparations – invoicing and details of prom.


Please use the sizing chart below to find your gown size. For those on campus this semester, you may also stop by the office to be measured. Please use that info when completing the survey. Please complete this survey by end of next week, May 5th.



If there are any questions, please contact me.


Mr. K