Monday 10 June 2024

FW: Post-Secondary Institution (PSI) Selections for 2024 Graduates - Due July 12, 2024

Afternoon all,


Some important dates, timelines and emails for students.


Post-Secondary Institution (PSI) Selections for 2024 Graduates


By July 12, 2024, graduating students are encouraged to visit the StudentTranscripts Service (STS) to authorize release of their transcript data to their chosen post-secondary institutions (PSIs) for admissions purposes.

Current students may make up to 25 PSI selections free of charge, generally up to six months after completing their last course. They are also entitled to order one free printed transcript (by mail) after graduation, which can be sent to any address they choose. All other transcript orders in STS (including PDF transcripts) are $10 each.

Distribution of Transcripts
How and when a student’s transcript is sent will depend on the PSI and the
option selected by the student in the STS:

Many B.C. and Alberta colleges and universities, as well the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) can receive final marks and request transcript updates electronically throughout the year (when authorized by the student).

All other PSIs will receive paper transcripts, which will be processed by July 31 (typically arriving by mail at PSIs in the first week of August, or later, depending on the location).


“Send Now” option: At any time, students can also choose the send ‘now’ option to send their most current transcript to a selected PSI. They should review the transcript carefully to ensure it is complete and accurate.


Important information about electronic distribution (XML):

  • If a student’s selected PSI is capable of receiving ongoing electronic updates (i.e., XML transcripts), the student should choose the second option to “Send my transcript now and allow this Post-Secondary Institution to request transcript updates until the date specified below.” It is also recommended that they leave the authorization period set to the default date of one year. 


  • Schools can access a preview on the School Secure Web of an XML transcript for a PSI that has been authorized by a student to receive transcript updates via XML.


PSI Selections – Student Summary Reports

For schools, the “PSI Selections – Student Summary Report” (available on the SSW under "Post-Secondary Reports") is updated weekly until mid-July. Schools can use the report to confirm students’ pre-selected PSIs and identify those students who may be known by the school to be applying to a PSI but haven’t yet made a selection in STS.


Help Resources
Detailed STS help videos and documentation are available at StudentTranscripts Service Help Documentation.


Students: Email